Employer GLP-1 Coverage Survey

As GLP-1 medications are posing cost challenges for benefit decision makers across the organizational spectrum, Lark wanted to conduct our own poll to gauge the current state of coverage strategies. Plus, there’s a bonus resource for any respondents who complete the survey. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights.

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You might be surprised to learn that Lark already partners with quite a few of these organizations. If you would like to learn if Lark is already available in your network, please fill out the form below. 

Anyone who submits the form will receive a copy of Lark’s
GLP-1 Employee Pulse Survey Cheat Sheet— a streamlined resource for benefits’ leaders that want to survey the state GLP-1 demand at their company.

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Bonus: Lark’s GLP-1 Employee Pulse Survey Cheat Sheet

You might be surprised to learn that Lark already partners with quite a few of these organizations. If you would like to learn if Lark is already available in your network, please fill out the form below. 

Anyone who submits the form will receive a copy of Lark’s GLP-1 Employee Pulse Survey Cheat Sheet— a streamlined resource for benefits’ leaders that want to survey the state GLP-1 demand at their company.

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