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10 Strategies for Weight Loss That Do Not Focus on the Scale

August 14, 2021
10 Strategies for Weight Loss That Do Not Focus on the Scale - Lark Health

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Feel more energetic and significantly reduce your risk of chronic conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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*Results may vary. Based on the average weight loss in three, 68-week clinical trials of patients without diabetes who reached and maintained a dose of 2.4mg/week of GLP-1 treatment, along with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity. View study here.
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In this article:

  • You can lose weight without focusing entirely on the scale.
  • Positive thinking and mindful eating can speed weight loss.
  • Drinking water and getting more sleep can increase weight loss.
  • Lark DPP can help you lose weight.

You may find yourself fixated on the scale when you are trying to lose weight. But, that can be unproductive. Instead, weight loss is about more than pounds on a scale. These are 10 strategies for weight loss that do not focus on the scale.

1. Think About What You Can Eat.

Are you thinking about what you cannot eat? That is a way to become frustrated. Instead, think about what you can eat. Colorful vegetables, sweet fruits, hearty whole grains, and satisfying lean proteins can be part of most meals. There is no need to feel starving while you eat healthy.

2. Make It Positive.

Nobody wants to diet. It means giving up favorite foods. But what about eating better? It can be exciting. This is your chance to try new foods and recipes. You can also make it a positive experience by focusing on tastes and textures. Plus, be sure to appreciate any company and your food environment!

3. Drink More Water.

Drink Water

Research is clear. An article in Nutricion Hospitalaria talks about how drinking water can increase weight loss. You can do this by drinking 16 ounces of water before each meal. Or you can set a goal to have an extra 32 ounces of water more than you usually do each day.

These tips can help you drink more water.

  • Log your water so you know how much you had.
  • Keep a full water bottle on your desk.
  • Take a water bottle with you everywhere.
  • Put water in the front of the fridge so you always see it.

4. Log Your Food.

Welcome to Food Logging - Badges

Log your food to see what you are eating. It also makes you think about what you are eating. Research in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shows that people who log food more often lose more weight. Lark Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) lets you log food. Plus, you get feedback!

5. Challenge Yourself at Restaurants.

Restaurants are part of life. Why not make them part of your weight loss strategy? Most joints offer lean protein such as grilled chicken or fish, or cottage cheese. Order a plain side salad or steamed vegetables. Skip starchy sides and fried foods. Another tip is to eat only half of the portion, and save the rest for later.

6. Check Your Hunger Levels.

It is simple and it works. Eat when you are hungry. Slow down and enjoy your food. Stop eating when you are starting to get full. Mindful eating can help you lose weight while you get more pleasure from your meals and snacks.

7. Sleep More.

Making Sleep Work for You and Your Health

People who sleep less are more likely to be overweight. A study in Medicine helps explain why. Sleep deprivation can increase hunger. It also increases carb cravings and alters hormone levels. Sleeping more can reverse these changes.

These are tips for better sleep.

  • Have a set bedtime and wake time.
  • Set aside enough time for sleep.
  • Sleep in a cool, dark, quiet room.
  • Wind down before bed with a bedtime routine.

The National Sleep Foundation has more tips.

As research in Sleep Medicine suggests, losing weight can also improve sleep quality.

8. Find a Form of Exercise That Works for You.

A Single Trick Can Get You to Your Exercise Goals

Physical activity can improve health. An article in Medical Clinics of North America says that it also helps prevent weight regain. Brisk walking is a common choice for exercise. But there are other options if you are not a fan of walking. It can take effort to find something you love, but it can happen. Kickboxing, dancing, swimming, circus classes, and cardio machines at the gym or home are all possible.

9. Hang Out with Skinny Friends

Who has the biggest influence on your weight? Harvard School of Public Health says it may not be your spouse or sibling. It may be your friends! You don't need to ditch overweight friends, but it can help to be aware. Maybe you can do healthier activities during social time instead of eating or watching TV.

10. Stick to a Schedule.

Fitness for Everybody on Any Schedule

Eating meals at the same time each day can support weight loss. It can normalize hormone and hunger levels. You may find it odd to eat by the clock if you are also working on eating only when hungry. But soon, your body will learn to be hungry at regular times. You might try for 3 meals a day. If you want, you can have smaller meals and add 1 to 3 snacks.

Are you overweight? Has your doctor recommended that you lose weight? Losing weight can be about more than pounds. It can be a ticket to better health. It can lower risk for diabetes. And it can let you do more of the things you love.

You can lose weight without sacrifice. A few small changes can put you on the right path. As the pounds go down on the scale, you may notice more benefits. Weight loss can increase energy, boost confidence, and improve mood, for example.

The Lark DPP and a connected scale may be available at no cost to you. You can check if your health insurer covers the program. Just click here for a short survey. You could be minutes away from starting your weight loss and health journey with Lark!

Calorie and nutrient information in meal plans and recipes are approximations. Please verify for accuracy. Please also verify information on ingredients, special diets, and allergens.

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Lark helps you eat better, move more, stress less, and improve your overall wellness. Lark’s digital coach is available 24/7 on your smartphone to give you personalized tips, recommendations, and motivation to lose weight and prevent chronic conditions like diabetes.

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