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How to Track Your Weight Loss

July 26, 2021
How to Track Your Weight Loss - Lark Health

Are you at risk of prediabetes?

Lark can help lower your risk for Type 2 Diabetes through healthy habit formation, and data tracking.
Height: 5 ft 4 in
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7' 0"
Weight: 160 lbs
90 lbs
500 lbs
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What could 15% weight loss mean for you?

Feel more energetic and significantly reduce your risk of chronic conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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Current Weight: 250 lbs
120 lbs
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*Results may vary. Based on the average weight loss in three, 68-week clinical trials of patients without diabetes who reached and maintained a dose of 2.4mg/week of GLP-1 treatment, along with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity. View study here.
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If you decide to lose weight, it can be important to track weight loss. Tracking weight loss helps increase your accountability. It can improve motivation, it can help you see what changes you may need to make to lose enough weight to improve your health or hit your weight loss goal!

In this article:

  • You can track weight loss by weighing yourself often. Try it in the morning wearing only light clothing.
  • Weight loss can slow after a while. You can change your food intake and physical activity levels to start losing weight again.
  • You need a scale to track your weight
  • A weight loss tracker can make weight loss tracking easier. They show you how your weight can change over time
  • Lark can track weight loss

Losing weight can improve your health if you are overweight or obese. If you have prediabetes or other risk factors for diabetes, weight loss can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes. Lark Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a weight loss tracker and coach.

This is how you can track weight loss!

Steps for Tracking Weight Loss

These are basic steps for tracking weight loss.

  1. Get on the scale. It can be scary to weigh yourself if you have not done so recently. But you need a starting weight
  2. Record the weight you see. Lark uses a scale that connects to the app. Lark automatically records your weight each time
  3. Weigh yourself each week. A doctor may suggest a different regular interval for weighing
  4. Record your weight each time you weigh yourself

A weight loss tracker shows your progress. You can see data like these.

  • Your starting weight
  • How fast you are losing weight, this is your rate of weight loss
  • When you will hit your weight goal if you continue this rate of weight loss

Tracking weight loss is simple! A good weight loss tracker makes it simpler. It enables self-monitoring. People who monitor their own weight loss are more likely to lose more weight, as found in a study in JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth.

Weight Loss Trackers

A journal can be your weight loss tracker. Just use a pencil and diary to record your weight. Include the date each time you weigh in.

Some apps or websites are weight loss trackers. They can be easier to use than pen and paper. Weight loss tracker apps or websites may have these benefits.

  • Record each weight from your weigh-ins
  • Keep track how many pounds you have lost since you started to use the tracker
  • Show you graphs of your weight over time. This lets you see trends. A chart may show you that you are losing or gaining weight. It can also show you times when weight went up or down quickly
  • Tell you if you are on track to hit goals. You may be able to change your behaviors if you are not on track

There are many weight loss trackers that you can use. Some are simple. Others have many features. The one that is best for you has the features you need. It is also easy to use. Possible features include the following.

  • It records weight
  • It shows you progress towards goals
  • It gives you calorie or other diet goals
  • It is part of any other program you are following

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend taking charge of your health. Tracking weight is one way.

Lark DPP is a weight loss tracker. It also has coaching on weight loss and other areas of health. The goal is to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Lark helps you do this with lifestyle changes.

Learn About Weigh-ins

You need to weigh yourself to track weight loss. People who weigh themselves regularly are likely to lose more weight than people who do not weigh themselves regularly. A study in Obesity Science and Practice is one of many to agree. 

You can choose one day a week to weigh yourself. Or, you can weigh yourself more often. These tips can help you get an accurate weight.

  • Weigh yourself at the same time each time. First thing in the morning after going to the bathroom is a good time.
  • Wear light clothing or no clothing. Don't wear shoes!
  • Do not eat or drink before you weigh yourself
  • Weight can be high if you had a lot of sodium the day before
  • Weight can be low if you are sick or dehydrated

Some people weigh themselves daily. If you choose to do so, just remember that weight fluctuates. It can be a little higher on some days. It can be a little lower on others. Do not get too excited or upset about a single weigh-in. The important thing is that you follow your weight loss program.

How to Lose Weight

Weight trackers are more fun when you are losing weight. How can you do that? These changes can help.

  • Serve yourself smaller portions
  • Use a smaller plate
  • Choose vegetables instead of starches for side dishes. Rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes are starchy.
  • Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Soft drinks, energy drinks, and fruit drinks are sugary drinks. Sugar-sweetened coffee and tea are also high in sugar and calories
  • Move your body more. Work out at home or at a gym. Take walks regularly to get moving. Be active around the house as you clean or garden
  • Opt for fruit. Fruit can satisfy a sweet tooth. It is a healthier choice than sugary or starchy desserts.

Cleveland Clinic has more suggestions for weight loss.

Lark DPP is a health coach. Lark can suggest healthier choices. You do not need to change your whole life to lose weight. A few small swaps can cause weight loss.

Some people want to lose weight faster. Be sure to talk to a doctor before making changes to your diet or health habits. Experts say a safe rate is less than 2 pounds per week. Faster weight loss can cause problems. These are risks of very fast weight loss.

  • Gaining weight back
  • Missing key nutrients
  • Slowing metabolism so weight loss gets harder

Handling Plateaus and Setbacks

When you look at a graph of your weight loss, you may notice something. There may be a steady decrease in weight. Then, you may see the line get flatter. It shows that weight loss stopped for a time.

Is it normal for weight loss to flatten out?

Yes. Weight loss often flattens out. It can happen after a period of time when you are losing weight. This is common when you start a diet. You may lose weight for weeks or months. Your body can react well to new diet and exercise habits.

Then you may see weight loss flatten. This is also called a stall or plateau. It can happen for many reasons:

  • Going back to old eating habits
  • Not exercise as much
  • Forgetting or missing tracking weight or what you eat
  • You find a new obstacle. For example, stress levels might increase and lead to emotional eating. Or you could take on new duties and work and not have time to cook healthy meals anymore.

A way to get over plateaus is to go back to what worked before. This can mean doing the following.

  • Making portion sizes smaller
  • Logging meals and snacks again
  • Eating more vegetables
  • Limiting sugary and fried foods again

Mayo Clinic says you can focus on other metrics. Instead of letting weight make you anxious, you can look for other changes. For example, you may be fitter or have more energy.

Your Lark coach is always ready to chat. There is no judgment when you use Lark to get over a plateau!

Best Scales to Track Weight Loss

A scale measures your body weight. Bodyweight scales are like weight loss trackers in that there are many choices. When you look for a scale, you might want to consider the following.

  • Digital scales can be easier to read than analog scales.
  • Some scales remember your weights.
  • Scales have weight limits. Check the body weight capacity of the scale before buying one.

Lark DPP sends you a scale if you qualify for the program. It automatically records your weights in Lark. All you have to do is step on the scale. Then you will be able to see every weigh-in recorded in Lark.

Other Ways to Track Weight and Health

Weighing yourself is not the only way to track health. Some people also track these measurements.

  • Waist size
  • Upper thigh circumference
  • Body fat percentage

Health stats can also improve when you lose weight. Mayo Clinic notes that obesity can cause the following chronic conditions. 

Losing extra pounds could lead to improvements in these measures.

Finally, think about how you feel. When you lose weight, you might feel more energetic. Mood can improve. It may be easier to breathe and move.

Tracking your weight loss can be a step in improving health. If you are overweight and at higher risk for diabetes, tracking weight loss and losing weight can lower your risk. Lark DPP is a weight loss tracker that can help with other health behaviors, too. It is easy to use and 100% available and compassionate.

Tracking weight loss is part of the weight loss journey. It requires a good scale. The best scale for tracking weight loss is accurate and easy to use. It can be your partner as you monitor progress and stay accountable.

A digital scale that connects to your phone can make tracking simpler. That way, you can see your weight history and trends. A weight loss tracker and coach can use your weight data to help you lose more weight. Lark Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) connects your weigh-in data with diet, exercise, and other choices. You can get personalized coaching.

The Lark DPP and a connected scale may be available at no cost to you if your health insurer participates! Click here to find out if you may be eligible for Lark. You could be minutes away from losing weight and improving health.

Calorie and nutrient information in meal plans and recipes are approximations. Please verify for accuracy. Please also verify information on ingredients, special diets, and allergens.

About Lark

Lark helps you eat better, move more, stress less, and improve your overall wellness. Lark’s digital coach is available 24/7 on your smartphone to give you personalized tips, recommendations, and motivation to lose weight and prevent chronic conditions like diabetes.

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