Heart Health
Reimagining Health Care with Technology
Watch the discussion on how Desert Oasis Healthcare piloted Lark Health's Artificial-Intelligence (AI)-powered Heart Health program to engage their patients in a new way to prevent heart disease.
American Heart Month in Review: Lark Helps Patients Assess and Manage Their Cardiovascular Risk
By providing patients with the tools they need to improve their heart health, Lark supports their cardiac self-efficacy—their ability to manage and improve their cardiovascular health.
Lark Health’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Heart Health Program Significantly Improves Cardiac Self-Efficacy
Pilot study reveals digital coaching with educational resources and remote patient monitoring helps increase confidence in improving and managing heart health
Lark's Heart Health Program for Health Plans
Learn more about Lark's Heart Health program, and how it can benefit your members.
Make Fat Work for You
Heart health is a focus when you have prediabetes, and healthy fats can improve heart health. Unhealthy fats can raise heart disease risk and blood sugar, and they are linked to weight gain.
Smart Fats for Heart Health
You often hear about “fat” as a single entity, but that is not an accurate picture. All types of dietary fat are high in calories, but some are beneficial!
Keeping Your Heart Healthy When You Have Prediabetes
Prediabetes is a risk factor for heart disease, so keeping your heart healthy when you have prediabetes is essential. But what are the ways to do that?