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Use Confidence to Fuel Further Success

When it comes to setting and achieving goals, it may seem as though you either can, or you cannot. Does whether you think you can even matter?

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Lark Health | Demonstrated Study Outcomes with A.I. + Clinical Science.

The science and practice of health and medicine seem to be progressing so rapidly. Despite this progress, new research suggests a different narrative.

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Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a type of telehealth that involves collecting patient-generated data while patients are not in healthcare settings.

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Use Confidence to Fuel Further Success

When it comes to setting and achieving goals, you are probably right whether you think you can or you can't!

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1 in 3: Why Diabetes Should Matter To Every HR Leader

There are strategies and new technologies employer organizations can implement to address controllable risk factors associated with Type 2 Diabetes and other serious conditions.

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American Heart Month in Review: Lark Helps Patients Assess and Manage Their Cardiovascular Risk

By providing patients with the tools they need to improve their heart health, Lark supports their cardiac self-efficacy—their ability to manage and improve their cardiovascular health.

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White Paper: A Comprehensive Examination of the Evidence Supporting Lark’s Digital Health Programs

This white paper demonstrates Lark’s effectiveness and underscores Lark's contribution to reshaping the future of healthcare.

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3 Tips for Employers To Manage High Costs of GLP-1s

According to a recent survey by Business Group on Health, 92% of large employers say they are concerned about high drug costs as a larger driver of healthcare cost trends.

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Dear People Leaders: Why Companies Should Invest Differently in Their Employees’ Health

In 2023, People Operations (or HR) leaders face a unique set of challenges, one of which is the continuing rise in obesity-related illnesses and their associated costs.

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Understanding Health Vulnerability: Addressing Unique Challenges and Needs

Health vulnerability is a complex issue that affects a significant portion of the population, where individuals are at increased risk of poor health outcomes due to a confluence of factors.

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How Digital Health Companies Can Get GLP-1s Right

New and highly promising GLP-1 medications could be game changers, but in the scramble to get these treatments to as many people as possible, many in digital health are missing the big picture.

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GLP-1s Are Only One Part of The Obesity Puzzle

We all know the sobering statistics: approximately 42% of adults in the U.S. currently have obesity1 and that number is expected to rise to 1 in 2 adults by 2030.

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Employers Must Brace for 2024 GLP-1 Cost Conundrum

The surge in employee demand for GLP-1 medications has presented organizations with an ongoing dilemma of coverage. And this will be exacerbated with the looming arrival of oral GLP-1s3 that will like

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Exploring Weight Management and Obesity Strategies at the California Association of Health Plans Event

The 2023 California Association of Health Plans conference was an innovative and collaborative experience for the California healthcare industry.

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Q2 Brief: Lark’s 2023 Published Clinical Studies

We are delighted to announce the results of our latest 2023 clinical studies.

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Weight Loss Drug Demand Must Be Addressed With New Solutions & Strategies

As the demand for GLP-1 medications continues to soar, health plans and employers must develop a weight management strategy that balances the clinical indications with the financial implications.

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Mid-Year Pulse: 2023 Health Care Trends

While it’s always tricky to figure out which trends are sustainable and which ones will fade, here are a few we think are going to stick around for the long run.

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AI & Health Equity: A Winning Formula

As the leading expert in conversational AI health coaching for the prevention and management of chronic conditions, Lark invites you to read our newest eBook, Health Equity & AI: A Winning Formula.

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Prediabetes ICD-10 Code: FAQs

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Prediabetes may have no symptoms, but it is still a serious condition. The prediabetes ICD-10 code can clarify medical care for patients, providers, and insurers, and probably for you. Following are some questions you might have about it, and their simple answers.</p>

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Diabetes Coaching App

You may think of a diabetes coach as a health professional that you see in person occasionally, but there are other options. A digital health coach can provide a full range of coaching services, plus have advantages over a live coach.

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Chronic Disease Management: How Employers Can Help

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Chronic Disease Management is the single greatest contributor to reductions in healthcare spending by employers, and to employee satisfaction with health benefit offerings.</p>

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Disease Management Programs (DMPs)

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Disease Management Programs are treatments that are offered through devices such as phones, sensors, apps, and computers. Many types of devices and health program delivery systems can be considered part of disease management. Digital health coaches that use artificial intelligence (AI) to provide customized coaching.</p>

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Challenges to Implementing a Diabetes Prevention Program

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">As an employer, are you spending far too much on diabetes? Unless you are offering your employees the opportunity to participate in a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-recognized Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), you almost certainly are.&nbsp;</p>

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Digital Therapeutics for Chronic Disease | Lark Health

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">The world has gone digital. Are you keeping up? Digital therapeutics are not the <em>next</em> big thing in healthcare. Digital therapeutics are the <em>current </em>big thing in healthcare! If your organization is not using them, you are risking sicker members or employees, and higher healthcare costs, and decreased productivity.</p>

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Artificial Intelligence - AI | Lark Health

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">But that’s only possible with artificial intelligence and machine learning. So what is AI and why should you care about it for your employees and members?Lark has applied AI and Machine Learning technologies to build a complete chronic condition management solution.</p>

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November is Diabetes Awareness Month

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">November is Diabetes Awareness Month. <strong><em>November, 2018</em></strong>. Will it be the month that saves your life? Will it save your family members and friends? It may turn out to be a life-saving for millions of Americans because November is National Diabetes Awareness Month.</p>

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Reduction in the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle Intervention or Metformin

Type 2 diabetes affects approximately 8 percent of adults in the United States...

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Scalability Challenges: Digital Diabetes Prevention

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">The Diabetes Prevention Program is recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as an effective way to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes among individuals with prediabetes or high type 2 diabetes risk. The DPP has been shown to lower 3-year diabetes risk by over 50%. </p>

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Preventing Chronic Disease

<p style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Since chronic diseases are the greatest driver of healthcare costs and lost productivity, you cannot afford to ignore their impact. As an employer or insurer, you need to know that 9 in 10 healthcare dollars in the United States are spent on chronic diseases and mental health conditions for a total annual cost of about $3 trillion</p>

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Disease Prevention (Definition)

<p style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Chronic disease prevention and management strategies can be multi-faceted and targeted towards all three levels of prevention. Realistic strategies must consider cost and cost-effectiveness, reach, and effectiveness. These are some approaches to chronic disease prevention that can have widespread impact.</p>

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Scaling the DPP: Urgent but Possible

<p style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Given that we know how to prevent diabetes and there are DPP providers nationwide, why are cases of diabetes increasing, and how can we reverse the trend? </p>

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Chronic Disease Management Programs

Chronic disease management is a necessity, not a choice, for payors. Chronic diseases affect 60% of adults and place, by far, the biggest burden on the healthcare system. Improving chronic disease management processes and outcomes in your organization could lower your costs and improve productivity.

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Lifestyle Change as a Cost-Effective Alternative to Medication

<p style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Prescription medications can often help manage chronic diseases, but their drawbacks can include high upfront costs, side effects or complications, and lack of effectiveness due to low adherence. Lifestyle changes are known to lower risk for and help control many chronic conditions.</p>

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CDC Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach

<p style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Diabetes is taking a toll on the country’s healthcare system and economy. The condition affects 1 in 8 adults, is the seventh-leading cause of death and a common factor in heart disease and stroke. Many providers offer a DPP, but Lark has a digital DPP with full CDC recognition. Lark DPP is a personalized lifestyle coach that is easy to implement and infinitely scalable.</p>

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Medication Adherence in Medicare Advantage Populations

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Prescription medications can save lives and improve quality of life when used properly, but they are not always as effective as they could be. That is not because of poor medical care or problems with the drugs themselves. Rather, there is a major problem with medication non-adherence.</p>

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Chronic Disease Management for Medicare Advantage Populations

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Chronic disease management is a necessity, not a choice, for Medicare Advantage payors. Chronic diseases affect 60% of adults and place, by far, the biggest burden on the healthcare system. Improving chronic disease management processes and outcomes in your organization could lower your costs and improve productivity.</p>

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Diabetes Prevention in Medicare Advantage Populations

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">The Diabetes Prevention Program is recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as an effective way to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes among individuals with prediabetes or high type 2 diabetes risk. The DPP has been shown to lower 3-year diabetes risk by over 50%. </p>

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Diabetes Prevention Program ROI for Medicare Advantage Populations

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">This study evaluated the impact of a virtual version of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) on healthcare utilization and costs in a Medicare Advantage population. </p>

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Digital Therapeutics for Medicare Advantage Populations

<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">The world has gone digital. Are you keeping up? Digital therapeutics are not the <em>next</em> big thing in healthcare. Digital therapeutics are the <em>current </em>big thing in healthcare! If your organization is not using them, you are risking sicker members or employees, and higher healthcare costs, and decreased productivity.</p>

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Preventing Chronic Disease in Medicare Advantage Populations

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Since chronic diseases are the greatest driver of healthcare costs and lost productivity, you cannot afford to ignore their impact. As an employer or insurer, you need to know that 9 in 10 healthcare dollars in the United States are spent on chronic diseases and mental health conditions for a total annual cost of about $3 trillion.</p>

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Six Reasons Your Company Needs a Corporate Wellness Program Today

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">What does “wellness”mean to you? It means eating well and being fit to many people, but wellness can mean so much more. It can include other aspects of well-being, such as maintaining or improving mental and emotional health, engaging in other healthy behaviors and taking a long-term approach.&nbsp;Here are six reasons your company needs a corporate wellness program today.</p>

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How Healthcare Mobile Apps Can Improve Patient Care

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Currently, healthcare systems tend to treat the sickest few with expensive treatments, while falling short on primary, secondary, and tertiary preventive measures for those with chronic conditions who could benefit. At the same time, there is a shortage in healthcare providers which is expected to grow in coming years.</p>

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Chronic Condition-Related Costs Are Overwhelming Medicare Advantage | Infographic

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">In 2018, the United States spent $3.65 trillion dollars on health care spending, with 80% are related to managing chronic disease like diabetes and heart disease. For those over the age of 65, 3/4 currently have a chronic condition and are eligible for Medicare Advantage. Lark has created this infographic to highlight how much chronic conditions are costing Medicare Advantage plans, and how they take control of these costs.</p>

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Managing Diabetes Takes A Lot of Work — AI Can Help Ease the Burden

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Diabetes remains one of the most complex, widespread, and costly chronic conditions in the US. In fact, with an annual spend of $327 billion, it tops the list for health care costs. This cost burden weighs on patients, as well as their employers, who are struggling to rein in medical spending that squeezes their bottom line. </p>

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